A set of circles of varying shades of colour, depicting the passage of time and our presence in the now.
  • You're a Mentor. But so much more than just a mentor. There are sooooo many more layers both seen and unseen. Tools, navigation, support, encouragement, love, humour, trust, strength, boundaries, beauty, creativity etc are all words that come to mind on what you show and live. You are inspiring and you bring out the best in everyone if that is what they want. Also the accountability, you don't miss a trick and you call bullshit when you see it and it's necessary.

    - Alison Barry

  • I saw you on Friday, had the echo on the Friday and saw the nurse on the Tuesday. After the echocardiogram I was hopeful after working with you that it might be in the late forties, but it went from thirty eight to sixty three. And Deb, the face you just made is the face the cardio nurse made when she tested it - and of course I couldn’t tell her what has happened.

    - M. Cook

  • Deb, I am feeling very different and very much rejuvenated on every level of my being. I am totally motivated and making changes to my diet and also I am walking at least 1 hour a day on the beach. The pillar method you gave me is working like magic and I am not having the psychic stress like I was. I am experiencing speaking truth from my heart instead of putting on faces for places. I used to compromise myself all the time......now I am able to say it how it is for me without feeling guilt. The universe speaks and I can hear so clear. I feel so clean inside it's truly amazing.

    - Jennifer T.

  • It’s phenomenal. I know I believe in miracles, I believe in healing, but I’m still gobsmacked and I cannot believe in two sessions, what you have done with my voice and the difference on a day to day basis.

    - Annie Bourne, Opera Singer & Sound Healer

  • Thank you so much for my speedy, pain free recovery from my fractured bone. Without you, my trip to America wouldn’t be so exciting. I’ve been to so many places in my eleven days, including attending the wedding! I am so pleased and grateful.

    -Aanand Chohan

  • 'I think you are not just a miracle worker you could actually be a fire starter! The kind of fire that brings not just warmth to a wandering soul but a glowing burst of pure gold to transform darkness. Thank you!'

    - Pamela Skinnider

  • I want to tell you something funny. Have needed to do A LOT of energy work this week - and applying everything you've given me - and it's completely carried me but today I laughed - because I was moving some energy - but doing it when swimming and realised my SWIMMING strokes were changing as my body moved out the energy - it was AWESOME.

    - Rachel Klaver

  • I was concerned that it was going to be a whole lot of woo woo and I would have wasted my money for nothing. Fortunately my worries were for nothing - Deb was thoroughly genuine and professional and worth the expense. I really liked that we could have our session through Skype - that gave me a lot of flexibility with juggling things at home. I liked the "personal touch" Deb had in following up with me afterwards, and having helped me set better energy boundaries the flow on effects multiplied in my life. I would definitely recommend Deb to anyone. For a magical person, she is very down to earth and relatable.

    - Rachel Bates

  • Before: I don’t know what is happening but I am on sick leave until I get sorted out. I ‘think’ I have adrenal fatigue from what I have read different places but haven’t been confirmed by a doctor. I go on Friday to my doc but not holding my breath to get the help I need. I am not depressed but I cry a lot at the strangest things too. I have very little energy or give-a-damn-ness. My fight or flight response is nil. TIRED TIRED TIRED!!!! After: I feel like me again, I feel like I have power in my words again. Before I felt like I was afraid to speak. It was very interesting. It feels 100% different, it’s amazing. I can breathe again!! Thank you soooo much.

    - Brenda Poulsen

  • Thank you so much! I was singing your praises today, how my left hip is healing more every day. How I went to my Doctor & she saw the notes from my oncologist saying that I had chemo brain & telling her how I had energy work & it seemed to resolve it! She didn’t bat an eye over that, one of the reasons I love her. Thank you! I think it’s going to be a very good year.

    - Karen Eld

  • My nervous system is also balanced. I was able to leave & drive to work without getting amped up & stressed out. It was a whole new experience as someone that has been in the habit of detaching during stressful situations & who was almost always operating in “flight or fight” mode. Driving home yesterday caused me to have to navigate a new route in rush hour – something that would have set me into a panic before but, my first thought was “It will be an adventure!” and I actually enjoyed exploring a new route as I drove around completely calm & fully in my body.

    - Karen Eld 2/3

  • The healing that you did on my lower back is extraordinary. It had become quite debilitating, sometimes going out for days & causing problems in my right hip & upper body as the days went on. After our session, when I laid in bed that night – there was a lovely pulsing in the tailbone & low back – for hours, like a whole bunch of love had been poured in there! The hip took 2 days to fully resolve itself. I have not had pain since, even after doing a rigorous yoga session last night that included backbends! Thank you so much. You are indeed the million dollar healer and I appreciate you so much.

    - Karen Eld 3/3

  • You truly are a Miracleworker! I have done more jobs since I got up this morning than I usually do in a whole weekend! Plus some were jobs that needed doing but I hadn't had the 'energy' to do. I've even cleaned the bathroom. Slept soooo well. First time in ages and woke at 6am! I am SO loving having my get-things-done energy back. Thank you thank you thank you. Mwah x 1000.

    - Rosie Davey Hicks

  • I want to tell you Deb, that I was purging old files on my computer yesterday and checking ones to keep, found a recording of a session you did with me and Amazing! The energy and shifting we worked on back in 2015 (? date) had more layers in the current time. So I want you to know that your healing work is timeless!! You are not only magical, you are timeless! I don't remember some of the things you said the first time, but I got even more out of relistening, This planet needs you more than ever! I am so grateful.

    - Catherine Whelan Costen

  • As you know I've had many crashes and injuries, broken my neck twice, and my back has been terrible. I've had between 12 and 15 spots on my back that go out all the time and I've had ten years of twice weekly chiropractic work just to get through a week of manual work. Since I had those two sessions with you, I've been back to both Chiro's and they can't believe it's my back. Both have checked me out and remarked that my whole spine has stabilised up and realigned itself - in two sessions over a week!!  All the heat has gone out of my spine. I have recently been working long hours on ladders again, and it's an absolute miracle that this is possible.

    - Davo

  • Deb you also give a wonderful sense of peace and hope to those of us in turbulent times with our children helping us to understand them and move forward. As always, thank you from the heart.

    - Rachel Gillespie

  • I too could totally recommend spending a full day with Deb.. my time with her was so full of amazing aha moments that i keep going back to when I start to lose sight of myself and my purpose. I feel so very grateful as well to have been able to gift myself this experience thank you again and again and again Deb.

    - Sarina Chapman

  • You hold space for people to remember who they are . Brush away the layers of amnesia so they can see their magic and live in the power of unification with the all. Then those people go out and do the same . You’re a bomb the detonates the layers of conditioning and belief that keep humans chained to suffering. You model by your actions.

    - S. Courtenay

  • At my very first one on one session with you, you cleared my heart of a heaviness that has been weighing me down for over 20 years! Growing up in a funeral home is probably one of the hardest things a child can do. I have held onto everyone of those lives that were lost and the grief of their families. I lived in constant fear of death and the fear of losing the ones closest to me. My entire body tingled as you cleared away all the pain that was clinging to me. My heart is no longer aching and my head is full of hope and joy. I am eternally grateful for your work, your love and your passion for helping others. You will be in my prayers always.

    - W. Cahill

  • You have enabled me to attune to my inner knowing, listen to my guidance, learn from it and prioritise it in a way that I never previously have. Consequently I have finally come to know my true purpose. Further you have helped me to understand that my unique view of the world and the way I choose to interact with and respond to it is valid and worthy of celebration. As a result of our journey together I know myself better, I understand myself and what is important to me and I prioritise those things. I am happier, more fulfilled, living my life on purpose and loving it. Thank you.

    - J. Lehndorf

  • I just wanted to give you an update on things here at work after your reading/session. Well... they have changed dramatically, it’s amazing. He has become so quiet, he’s not coming in my office as much, is polite, his mannerisms have changed and it’s just quite unbelievable. In fact it’s great. The "creepy" feeling has gone and I am so thankful to you for that. I’ve been doing my affirmation you gave me so I even feel so much better about coming here and are looking forward to my new job which I will love. Anyway A BIG THANKS to you - I feel so much better and I am so grateful for your help.

    - C. Walker

  • Thank you Deb Rowley! I'm feeling twenty years lighter!

    T. Winson

  • Thanks for being real and honest and teaching me to be my own magic instead of always only giving it to others and looking to outside help to give me magic.

    - KC Grace

  • Fantastic course, very empowering, it completely changed my way of thinking. I walked out of this course with a whole lot of weight off my shoulders and a happier woman.

    - Natalie Sykes

  • I feel so calm and peaceful after spending the day with you learning, through my eyes by the end of the day you looked completely different to how you looked when I arrived, so amazing, just puts a whole different outlook on my surroundings, blessings and huge hugs to you.

    - Rochelle Gray

  • The Love Seminar was a powerful experience. It opened our eyes to why we think feel act and say the things that we do. It allowed us to offload the ghosts and negativity that were dragging us down without our knowledge. It was a safe loving and nurturing experience that left us all feeling lighter and happier. I literally floated out of the room. Everyone should go to it whether you are in a relationship or not. Such a huge message to gain.

    - Cher Neels

  • A huge thanks to Deb who is definitely a miracle healer. I had a condition called Ulcerative Colitis which is a auto immune disease in the large intestine. After seeing Deb occasionally for a year now she has helped me through the process of healing not only physical, but mental healing. Also by the click of her fingers she was able to distinguish what was wrong with me that eventually helped me in healing through an alternative process without medicine. Deb, I thank you for the peace of mind you have given me and will also continue to see you through the coming years.

    - Sham Kachwalla

  • I really loved my personal day with Deb. I was really struggling finding my true self and felt emotionally like I was stuck between not knowing how to feel and feeling like I was on a slippery dip down to the bottom of something. I think I was looking for myself but was in a state of panic over which way to go. As a result of the day I became more in tune with myself and connected with a place within me that I had not known existed. Since then I may have lost this connection from time to time but have been able to find my way back there also. I most liked being with Deb for the whole day. I was able to ask questions and know that I had longer than an hour. The other benefits of the day – having the time to work through everything that came up, feeling as though I had worked through a lot of stuff over the course of the day, getting a day that was tailored for me, getting some pretty cool gifts to take away and being in the presence of this lovely lady with such beautiful energy. I think a ‘personal day with Deb’ should be high on the list of things to do for anyone that needs some TLC. I am glad that I did not see the financial side of this day as an obstacle and invested in my own care. I loved the experience and would happily do it again.

    Tina Burt

  • I was extremely sceptical and cynical of anything of this nature. To me, if it couldn’t be identified, isolated, tested and re-tested using the scientific method – then it didn’t exist. My close, trusted (and similarly sceptical) friend had seen Deb and was floored by her abilities, still unconvinced – I sent my partner along and she was likewise astounded. Both of them were deeply affected by their session with Deb. Begrudgingly I made a booking and went to see what all the fuss was about. The best way I can describe my experience is: profound. Before I walked in I felt “heavy”, not a physical heaviness but a sense that I was wading through water all the time and had a great weight on my shoulders. When I left Deb after 90 minutes (was meant to be an hour but I made her keep going with the session!), I felt completely different. Lighter, somehow ‘free’ and indelibly changed in ways I’m still trying to come to terms with. I can’t begin to understand how Deb did what she did but...

    - Name withheld for career privacy 1/2

  • I can attest to the fact that she can do things that defy explanation.. She knew things she shouldn’t possibly know and revealed things to me that were confronting and challenging but also uplifting, inspiring and incredibly emotional. She somehow elicits a tangible, physical change in your body without touching you? This, I cannot explain. My experience with Deb has left me reeling and there is no doubt in my mind that I have been changed forever. I have purposely avoided emotive words like ‘miraculous’, ‘spiritual’ or ‘angelic’ but they are entirely apt ways to describe who Deb is and what she does. Open your mind or keep it closed, it really doesn’t matter – but if you want a legitimately ‘life altering’ experience then go and see Deb. You will leave a different person.

    - Name withheld for career privacy

FLOW SHOW: It was beautifully amazing, I know a lot of my blocks are around not allowing myself to receive, when you talked about yourself going through that it really resonated. Some wonderful new tips and tricks to use, so thank you for being the wonderful miracle mentor extraodinaire that you are, much love and gratitude. - Trish Watson

ONLINE FLOW SHOW: I was in awe of how you literally healed a large group of people like you did last night. And while doing it, spoke to everyone and answered questions! - Liz